The Pre-Wedding Weekend Revival Guide

Starting to feel frazzled on the lead-up to your Big Day? Try this simple feel-good Revival Guide over a weekend to have you and hubby-to-be completely relaxed and renewed…

You can copy this plan - or parts of it - over an entire weekend at home… or book into one of our hotels for a more intensive pampering.

Skincare before your wedding week


Follow this Ayurvedic Routine to help you wind down and de-stress…

WAKE UP: and calm down

Before you get out of bed lie on your back with arms stretched out at shoulder level; knees bent and together. Roll slowly to the right, lifting up your left hip. Look up your left arm to hand. Return to the centre and repeat on the left. Do five times on each side. This yoga move relaxes your muscles and mind before you start the day.

Weekend Revival Guide - massage

MORNING: massage 

Heat and massage boost circulation and raise body temperature. Resting afterwards makes you more aware of your temperature slowly falling and in turn, makes you feel more relaxed.

Step 1: Take a hot, steamy shower or bath for at least 10 minutes.

Step 2: When muscles are warmed up, massage your body with long, flowing strokes using a body lotion or oil. Keep the movements slow and deliberate and work towards the heart. Keep working on the area until it feels warmer. Starting with your feet, work up your legs, your stomach (using circular movements), breasts, buttocks and back. Massage each of your hands, working your thumbs into the fleshy part of each palm. Finish with long strokes along your arms to your heart.

Step 3: Slip into some comfy clothes and lie down in a darkened room with no distractions. If you can drift off to sleep for an hour, you’ll feel even better.

Alternatively, book in for a massage!

Weekend Revival Guide - Chill

AFTERNOON: lighten up

Don’t make any plans – leave the afternoon free. It may be disorientating to find yourself with free time after a week of to-do lists, but try to relax into it. Instead of trying to achieve something, focus on just having fun and de-stressing.

Here are three instant de-stressors to try:

Touch Go barefoot in the park or garden. It’s believed the electromagnetic force of the earth calms you down.

See Wear shades of purple or blue. These colours de-stress you and those around you. People will be calmer in your presence and that will help you stay calm.

Listen Music is the ultimate soother. Listening to classical music especially by Mozart and Bach have been proven to have a profound effect on the brain.

Weekend Revival Guide - date

EVENING: chill out
Late afternoon, indulge in some ‘mobile meditation’. Go to your local park or beach and get in touch with nature. Notice the surrounding sites and sounds and be aware of your feet hitting the ground. Let your mind be still. Whenever you catch your mind thinking about work or worries, bring your thoughts back to the nature around you to help you feel calm and centred. Then decide whether to spend the night at home watching your favourite romantic movie, or go to your favourite romantic restaurant for an early dinner.

Weekend Revival Guide - energise


Here’s how you can revive and revitalise so you’re ready to take on a new week…

WAKE UP: and let the sunshine in

Have a warm cup of water with a large wedge of fresh organic lemon to kick-start your liver for the day - and then step outside. Exposing yourself to even a few minutes of direct sunlight as soon as you get up is the fastest way to wake yourself up.

Weekend Revival Guide - get moving

MORNING: get moving

Going for an early morning walk or swim will get your ‘engine’ primed, stimulate your metabolism, kick-start your circulation and will release endorphins (feel-good hormones) to elevate your mood. It’s important to do some form of exercise even when we’re ‘relaxing’. You’ll feel much better – and less stressed.

Weeekend Revival Guide - laugh out loud

AFTERNOON: look forward to laughing out loud

Research has shown that when you anticipate watching a funny show two days before actually watching it, fatigue and tension is reduced by as much as 50 per cent. So arrange to meet a friend who shares your sense of humour or look forward to watching re-runs of Friends or Seinfield. The anticipation is as important as the laughs.

What to do before your wedding: Stress less

EVENING: do things differently

Run a bath and sprinkle in Epsom salts to feed and soothe your muscles.  Add a couple of drops of your favourite essential oil and sink in to soak away your worries. Aim to get to bed by 9.30. It’s probably a break from your usual Sunday night routine – but every now and again you need to make an effort to do things differently. It gives you a whole new perspective on life and that, in turn, gives you energy.

We hope this leaves you both blissfully chilled ahead of your special day! Do contact us if there’s any way we can help you with a weekend stay, your wedding day - or your honeymoon.

By guest contributor, Nikki Yazxhi @bellamumma